Andrew Chibale spotlight exclusive

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Andrew Chibale spotlight exclusive

Postby nextdimensionmusic on Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:48 am

next dimension music | newsletter 17 | Andrew Chibale spotlight exclusive !?


In the beginning ...
There was the Jack EP and Andrew Chibale serves up the groove with a double dip of deep audio delight to plug into your system!


Exclusive interview with Andrew Chibale

Andrew first hit the ndm scene in 2007 and has made his mark being featured in over a dozen releases in 2008 alone. Today we visit the office of Andrew Chibale located in Miami, FL. as we take a few moments to get acquainted with this rising star from the next dimension music universe of sound...

Click for more ...


next dimension music
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Joined: Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:35 am

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