10.3 Celeste Alexander @ Dare to be AWARE, ATLanta

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10.3 Celeste Alexander @ Dare to be AWARE, ATLanta

Postby echo bravo on Fri Oct 02, 2009 9:24 am



This event is in honor of Breast Cancer & Women's Health Awareness month (October) and in conjunction w/ the K.Joy "I am woman" remix charity project.

Partial proceeds from this event will go towards the "I am woman" charity remix project; a sponsored project of the Women's Cancer Network of the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (501c3)
5 hrs of deep house music featuring an ALL female DJ lineup:

DJ Sabine (Brooklyn Mecca/Oyasound/Brooklyn)
DJ Celeste (Cyberjamz/Souljoy/Chicago)
DJ Donna "Baby" (Handz on Radio/ Harem/Baltimore)
DJ Kathy "Fire" Crawford (SWEAT/Atlanta)

And a few live special guest performances.

You don't want to miss this!

Come out and support the Divas. It's for a good cause! It's good for the body and good for the soul!

So many of us know of someone that has or is fighting the battle, please show your support in one way or another. If you're not in the Atlanta area and you know of someone that is, please share the event information with them, this is for a great cause, thank you. [/b]
"SWEAT" Where Soulful Dance Music Meets Bodies In Motion
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echo bravo
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